Netflix Everywhere With Blockless

Rampant Mumblings 51 : Content restrictions ..don’t apply

In a quiet week for the world of Apple news I’m lucky to have a guest with me this week. Ryan Dinning from Blockless joins me to discuss viewing online video from wherever you are in the world without restriction. So long as you subscribe to that service. Think watch Netflix UK in the USA or access to BBC iPlayer in the USA and you’ll get what were on about.

Continue reading → Rampant Mumblings 51 : Content restrictions ..don’t apply

Mac And Forth Show

The Mac & Forth Show 058 – The WWDC 2015 Predictive Quiz

If you’ve a spare hour today then why not fill that by listening to the Mac & Forth Show (episode 58) featuring yours truly but Also Adam Christianson from The MacCast) along with the regulars Karl, Barry and Matt.  This weeks episode takes a twist with Matt taking over duties as quizmaster on the show as we try our hands at WWDC predictions.

Continue reading → The Mac & Forth Show 058 – The WWDC 2015 Predictive Quiz